The northern island

It is mesmerizing even from the distance; captivating and full of wonder. Even though it houses a historic past, is full of life. The walled city, tourist hot spot, our own world apart. The instant you cross the bridge that connects it to the main island you know you are in the northern island territory. And from all the enchanted places here in Borinquen, this is by far the favorite of many.

Generations and past

Generations upon generations have walked it bricked streets, rediscovered its past, spent the day flying a kite or getting wet in “los chorritos del Totem”. Feed the pigeons that they wouldn’t feed elsewhere. Got drunk in “la San Sebastian”, and bought art from “los artesanos”. You can easily distinguish the northern islanders from those who are just visiting; they walk focused on a straight line knowing where they are going. The visitors are just zigzagging hypnotized by the architecture, the shops, the vivid colors of the buildings and gorgeous balconies full of bouganvillas and hibiscus.

Arquitectura y arte

There’s always a good excuse to go to the northern island on a Sunday and go for a stroll on “el paseo la princesa”; or just sit there and enjoy a “piragua”. Perhaps even to pass along the knowledge immortalized in the walls and structures that surpassed time, to the younger generation who will irrevocably fall in love with this Caribbean jewel; just because it’s full of mysteries to be discover by them and lay hidden behind closed doors, under the bricks of the streets, inside the stones of the castles, in the hollow silence of the churches.

The northern island… its memory is captured by lenses, words, brushes and time. Home to some, escape paradise to others in seek of its inspiring ambrosia.

Northern Island

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