A store for virtues

A few days ago a friend poet wrote on her facebook wall that she wondered if there was an online store for virtues. She explained she was on the market for some patience, she had run out like it happens to all of us. So where do you find a place like that? Where can you go to buy your monthly supply of virtues?

As I pondered hitting key by key, forming words for this post, I go back to the memories where I have found those places that have given me my dose of virtues. I’m a Catholic so prayers, a rosary, a visit to church, have helped me regain patience and faith and love. But beyond the walls of my church, where I have gone to ease my troubled soul, there are more wonderful places. That same day my friend posted her comment, I found one for patience without even noticing it.

I enjoyed a magnificent day at the beach with my kids and friends, and took a picture that spoke a thousand words; actually, not a thousand, but a simple answer. Looking upon the horizon where the sun sets behind a grayish cumulus nimbus, there was the gaze of a lonely man that waited.

The fisherman

My gaze upon the picture whispered the so eluded answer I’ve looked for. The wisdom of the virtue of patience came on a lapse of time cemented on a moment immortalized. That man that waited patiently for the fish to get caught on the hook of his rod knew where to find this particular virtue. Life has taught him that by waiting he will eventually get his prize, and if not that day, well there is always another behind the horizon.

As always, the answer to questions comes in life itself, we just need to look deeper; and if we do not know how to, we must learn. It is this wisdom, another virtue, which will make us better human beings in the long run and be able to pass it along to future generations.

Waiting, praying, gazing… a few that leads us to the treasures we look so desperately in our lives. Those that marks us for better things! There is a market out there in life and online, we just need to look, breath and take the time to nurture those virtues so they too can get stronger.


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