My friend Clarisel from Bronx Latino has awarded Mink with the Sushine Award, which I’m proud to accept. This award “is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.” The Sunshine Award is given by bloggers to bloggers as a way to spread the bloggy love.
Well, I’m spreading that love with fellow bloggers whom I enjoy everyday!
First, this are the rules to follow for The Sunshine Award:
1. Put the award on your blog and/or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person from whom you received the award.
This are the blogs I’ve given my bloggy love to:
- Thirty Creative Studios of friend Deborah Suarez
- The blowing branches of writer Patty Godinez
- My big blue marble de Maite who talks about the beauty of nature
- Musings of writer Nilki Benitez
- One Latina’s Journey, her slice of life in the written form
- Boriqua Chicks all fashion and more.
- Efrain’s Corner who likes to give his point of view on Puerto Rican things
- The God of War of Kofla Olivieri, he likes to tell it as it is.
- Moments in my head of poet Libby Julia where poet reings
- Chicana Momma of poet Viktoria Valenzuela where she shares her poetry
- Susan Mckinney blog, a writer who found love in Mexico
- Blogs by Latinas a place for latina bloggers
Here there are, enjoy their blogs and share the love with your comments. Thanks again to my friend Clarisel for this honor.
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