I’m back with my writing sprints after a break in July, and it is so good to be back with the writing crew! Had a blast. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/s9Tn5gTMu4g
Category: Uncategorized

An Author’s Vlog Ep 16 Where to find ideasAn Author’s Vlog Ep 16 Where to find ideas
Do you know where to find ideas? I’ve been asked this question many times and here I relate my answer. Enjoy today’s episode!
An Author’s Vlog: Ep 15 Writing Sprints with FriendsAn Author’s Vlog: Ep 15 Writing Sprints with Friends
As part of my podcast, I have virtual writing sprints. But it is always more fun to get together at a cafe to write the afternoon away. Join us in

An Author’s Vlog: Ep 3 An afternoon writing with my tribeAn Author’s Vlog: Ep 3 An afternoon writing with my tribe
As part of my Spanish podcast, Arte Escrito, I do virtual Writing Sprints every two Wednesdays. Today I will take you to our Writing Sprints Presential “Beta edition”. Called it

An Author’s Vlog #2: Where the antagonist & protagonist meetAn Author’s Vlog #2: Where the antagonist & protagonist meet
In this writing session, in Old San Juan, I take you to the gardens of a historic house called Casa Blanca. This house was built in 1521 by Juan Ponce
An Author’s VlogAn Author’s Vlog
I started a new project at YouTube. Something that I wanted to do for a while, but I was not sure what to do. Writing this new story has been
Escoge mi próxima lecturaEscoge mi próxima lectura
“Los libros son compañeros, maestros, magos y banqueros de los tesoros de la mente. Son portadores de la civilización”. Esto lo dijo Bárbara Tuchman una historiadora, escritora estadounidense y ganadora

Words that inspireWords that inspire
Some people have one, others have two. I have three. I found them on Tiktok, as silly as it sounds, and I was mesmerized by them for they summarize my
Estimula tu creatividad: Prompt 4Estimula tu creatividad: Prompt 4
Un cuento semanal te ayudará a crear hábito de escritura. Diviértete con este prompt, no lo tomes literal, busca un twist a estas palabras. ¡Felices escrituras! #retocuentosemanal