Words that inspire

black typewriter machine typing on white printer paper

Some people have one, others have two. I have three. I found them on Tiktok, as silly as it sounds, and I was mesmerized by them for they summarize my path for this year and beyond.


Growth and


These three words are inspiring. I close my eyes and think of them and they give me structure. There are no casualties in life. Things happen for a reason. And these words came to me as a reminder of what I am working on both personally and professionally.

At first, I thought of dividing them and analyzing them in depth. But when I did, one of the other words came into play. If I’m working on my confidence, I am growing. And by being confident, I am able to be open to others and built a community of people that will help me grow and can grow together. Having a community you can count on for advice, a heart-to-heart conversation, or just a push toward the right direction -for me- builds confidence.

So, by trying to analyze these three words, I have gained the structure I am aiming for in 2023 and beyond.

I might even call them the pillars of this year! Maybe, just a thought. But going back to the beginning of this entry, words are inspiring. As a writer I live, breath, dream, work with them, and know the impact they have.

Words are Inspiring.

I have learned that the hard way. One must learn from their mistakes in order to grow.

I have just figured out the proper way to call these words of mine:

my guides.

Maybe a word or a phrase is what you need to give you clarity this year and help you set your objectives, and put them in motion based on those words. Mine did, they gave my objectives a spark and inspiration.

I know the path won’t be perfect or easy, and I will make mistakes. Nevertheless, I will learn and get back at it, word by word, step by step.


Once, sometimes twice, I send out a Newsletter in Spanish. In it I talk about what I am currently reading, something that happen and impacted me, update you on my projects, the events I will be participating in and, sometimes, share short stories or poems for your reading pleasure. Join the conversation by subscribing to my newsletter. Fill out the boxes below, hope you can join and have a conversation with me.

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