Varios años atrás compré el libro del autor y profesor Francisco García-Moreno Barco titulado La artesanía del cuento Manual de narrativa corta. La consigna es sacada del Capítulo 19, p.
Category: Convocatorias/Events
Practice Writing Wednesday #1Practice Writing Wednesday #1
Dialogue is the way we easily communicate with one another. It comes with ease, sometimes sporadically at any given time and at random places. It is the path for human
The Queen’s ill wordsThe Queen’s ill words
The waves crashed on the rocks that encircle the small bay. The night was upon them, and so was her moment. “Where?” She asked in a commanding voice. His was
Weekly Photo Challenge: Purple, a color I’m familiar withWeekly Photo Challenge: Purple, a color I’m familiar with
Is my daughter’s favorite color. It always sorrounds her, henceforth it sorrounds me. The walls of her room are painted in purple. A color that has been present in those that have
Weekly Photo Challenge…Weekly Photo Challenge…
Yesterday, was friday and a weekly photo challenge was in order and to be honest I have missed some. Ok, quite a lot, three to be exact. I’ve been busy