citas/quotes,de la vida,mis letras You must stay drunk…

You must stay drunk…

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.  ~Ray Bradbury” (quote from Quote Garden). A few days back a good friend, whom I respect and sharish her opinion, wrote to me to not forget to come back to reality know and then. As a fiction writer my head is always returning to that place I’m creating, to the characters that need more, to the dialogue in need of feelings that will take the reader into a journey that will capture them, make them hate or love a character.

As I write my new book of fiction and fantasy I find myself in and out of reality, most of the time I return to my mortality because of the need of others. In this case of my three year old with whom my writing does not compete, it comes second to him and to my daughter and my husband. They come first and for them I rejoin humanity in this world of reality that does not destroy me for I am being sorrounded by love even thou words that have to be written are transcribed in my mind.

I think I’m declaring here and now that I, as Ray Bradbury said, am drunk with writing. My mind always finds itself seeking constantly the perfect settings, the action in reality that will come to be written for a character. Reality is but the setting I go trhough in order to gain knowledge that can be turn into fiction or fantasy. I did not realize that until I read the quote on friday morning! It is in this truth that I find peace thinking of the feelings that arise from me everytime I day dream and I wonder off silently. Is serenety like that one gain from a prayer, what it feels like when I’m drunk with writing. Is who I am, I will not change it for the world!


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