Artículos/Articles Warrior Soul

Warrior Soul

I have seen a warrior!Waterhouse(Lamia_&_the_Knight)_tile

Seen him in all his glory,

In all his might.

I have seen a warrior stronger than me,

More powerful than I.

I have seen him in my thoughts

In my distant dreams.

I have loved him!

He has seen me.

Stood in front of me

Dwell with my soul.

I have seen him fade away

In the shadows of the black nights.

In the horizons of my dreams.

I have felt him in my heart. 

Lived and loved with him.

Sometimes died at his side.

I have seen a warrior with silver armor

And mighty sword.

Dwell with evil and fought for love and hope.

I have seen myself in his arms

And felt like a warrior!

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