Artículos/Articles,mis letras “Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451” a contribution by Jack Collins

“Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451” a contribution by Jack Collins

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jack Collins from shares a video he produced explaining “in less than three minutes,  Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451“. Ray Bradbury, as explained in, “wrote his dystopian classic Fahrenheit 451 at the height of McCarthyism and Cold War paranoia. In the novel, Guy Montag is employed as a fireman who burns books. The whole of American society has descended into a zombie-like stupor of instant gratification, and books are seen as challenging and disruptive relics, which must be destroyed at any cost.”

'Fahrenheit 451' pictogram movie poster

‘Fahrenheit 451’ pictogram movie poster (Photo credit: Viktor Hertz)

“The video highlights the major plot points, characters, and themes used in this cornerstone of modern literature,” says Jack Collins. It is enjoyable and with outstanding illustrations that keeps you watching it. 

To watch the video, please visit this link,, since I had problems posting it here. Hope you enjoy it and thanks to Jack Collins for sharing it.


A.R. Román de Hernádez

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